
Motorcycle and "Toutes Directions" sign

Just before going to university in the UK, a couple of friends and I picked up our rucksacks and set out on the traditional Grand Tour of Europe.

We had a fine old time, and the experience triggered an apparently unstoppable yen for travel. I moved to the Netherlands for some years, and some of the less well organised pages on this site come from that period, because I was only just figuring out how the internet worked and what I could do with it. As the rest of the site matured over the years, these pages just got converted willy-nilly from one architecture to another, so if you find one that looks a bit amateurish… sorry.

I still travel in Europe at least once a year, though not every trip is interesting enough to merit a blog entry. This is also the part of the site that is most likely be updated with the stories of past trips.

Blogs from Europe:

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